Web Developer

Web Developer

Web Developer

Web Developer in the IT-ITeS Industry is also known as a Web Designer.

Brief Job Description: Individuals at this job are responsible for designing and maintaining web-based applications that include static and dynamic content. This includes the design, layout, and coding of a website. They may work standalone or along with application/functional developers as part of the overall solution that includes a web-based component.

Personal Attributes: This job may require the individual to work independently or in teams. The individual should be result oriented. The individual should also be able to demonstrate skills for communication, creative, and logical thinking.

                                       NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS (Nos.)

♦ Contribute To The Design Of Software Products And Applications
♦ Manage Their Work To Meet Requirements
♦ Work Effectively With Colleagues
♦ Develop Media Content, Graphic Designs For Software Products And Applications
♦ Maintain A Healthy, Safe And Secure Working Environment
♦ Provide Data/Informatic On In Standard Formats
♦ Develop Their Knowledge, Skills, And Competence

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