National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development (NIESBUD) 

The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development is a premier organization of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, engaged in training, consultancy, research, and publication in order to promote entrepreneurship and Skill Development. 

The head office of the Institute is situated in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. It is established in an area of 10,000 sq. meters with about 40,000 sq. feet of built-up area. The infrastructure comprises 8 classrooms, 1 auditorium, and 1 conference hall, besides the library. There is also a hostel consisting of 32 rooms and other facilities. 

The institute has a Regional Centre located at Dehradun which operates from NSTI Dehradun premises. The institute has 20 State centers across the country at NSTI Noida, NSTI Indore, NSTI Mumbai, NSTI Goa, NSTI Vadodra, NSTI Shimla, NSTI Bengaluru, NSTI Panipat, NSTI Patna, NSTI Bhubaneswar, NSTI Chennai, NSTI Calicut, NSTI Jaipur, NSTI Hyderabad, NSTI Howrah, NSTI Ludhiana, NSTI Jamshedpur, NSTI Dehradun, NSTI Kanpur, and NSTI Jammu. 

Major Activities 

The major activities of the Institute inter alia include: 

Training: The training programs being organized by the Institute inter-alia include Trainers’ Training Programmes (TTP); Management Development Programmes (MDPs); Orientation Programmes for Heads of Departments (HoDs) and Senior Executives; Entrepreneurship Development Programmes (EDPs); Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Programmes (IDPs) and specially designed training activities for different target groups. 

Research/Evaluation Studies: Besides the primary/basic research, the Institute has been undertaking a review/evaluation of different government schemes/programs, training need assessment, Skill Gap studies, industrial potential survey, etc. 

Development of Course Curriculum/Syllabi: The Institute has been designing, developing, and standardizing the Course Curriculum for Entrepreneurship and Skill Training Programmes. 

Cluster Interventions: The Institute has been actively involved in undertaking developmental programs (Soft and Hard Interventions) in Clusters in different capacities. 

Training-cum-Incubation Centres: The Institute is running 5 Training-cum-Incubation Centres in the name of Livelihood Business Incubations at its premises in the areas of Fashion Designing, Beauty & Wellness, Mobile Repair, Food Processing, and Electrical and Home Appliances. 

Hand-holding for Enterprise Creation: The Institute provides hand-holding services to aspiring and existing entrepreneurs to enable them to start their enterprises and scale up their business activities. 

International Activities: The Institute conducts 5 to 8 weeks of training programs under the Fellowship of the Ministry of External Affairs - ITEC Plan for participants from different countries. Besides, the Institute also designs and conducts special training programs for overseas agencies and has been assisting other countries through consultancy assignments for the promotion and development of entrepreneurship. 

Consultancy Services (National and International): The institute offers consultancy services in the area of entrepreneurship, especially for MSMEs. 

Pilot Project on Entrepreneurship Development in Holy Cities: NIESBUD is implementing the Pilot Project on Entrepreneurship Promotion and Mentoring of Micro and Small Businesses in Varanasi, Haridwar, and Pandharpur. The primary objective of the proposed project is to catalyze the entrepreneurial activities of the temple town through the resumption of existing livelihood activities and/or by supporting existing enterprises to scale up and tap the potential entrepreneurs, mentoring them to identify, set up enterprises, and management of the enterprises. 

Recent Initiatives 

SANKALP Project: The Institute with the support of the Skill Acquisition and Knowledge Awareness for Livelihood Promotion (SANKALP) Programme of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) has undertaken a project for creating, fostering, and promoting the spirit of entrepreneurship among the various target groups through Capacity Building, Incubation Support, Mentoring, and Handholding. Under this initiative, NIESBUD will train a total of 24,600 beneficiaries and provide them with mentoring and handholding support to start their enterprises/ scale up business activities/ linking them with wage employment. 

Entrepreneurship Development among Jail Inmates: NIESBUD is implementing a project for “Promoting Entrepreneurship Development among Jail Inmates; value added skill up gradation, product innovation & development; and Strengthening of Livelihood Business Incubation Centre at Jails of Uttar Pradesh” with the support of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, for Creating, fostering and promoting the spirit of entrepreneurship among the Jail Inmates through Capacity Building, Mentoring, Handholding and Incubation Support. The programs are being undertaken in the Nari Bandi Niketan, Lucknow; Model Jail, Lucknow; and Varanasi Jail. 

National Level Content Development: The institute is developing National Level Content on Entrepreneurship Education with the support of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship in order to bring uniformity in Entrepreneurship Development and have measurable learning outcomes. 

Creating Entrepreneurial Climate through Training of Trainers and Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS): The institute with the support of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is implementing a project for Creating Entrepreneurial Climate through Training of Trainers and Entrepreneurship Development Programme in Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS). 

Workshops In Artisan Melas And Haats: The institute with the support of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is implementing a project for organizing capacity-building workshops for providing entrepreneurial knowledge to the artisans during Melas and Haats based on the gap analysis in order to help them in scaling up their business activities. 

Trainers Training Programme for ITI Trainers under DGT: The institute with the support of the Directorate General of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is conducting the trainers’ training program on entrepreneurship, employability, and life skills for trainers/ instructors of Government and Private Industrial Training Institutes to build the capacity of the trainers, so that they will be able to encourage, guide, and motivate the ITI trainees from the very initial stages of the program towards entrepreneurship & self-employment. 

YUVA Project with Delhi Police: The YUVA project is being implemented by the Delhi Police with the support of the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) through NIESBUD & NSDC. Under the collaboration, the Institute will impart Entrepreneurship Development Program for 10000 candidates. NIESBUD will also conduct a Trainer’s Training Programme on Entrepreneurship for the Officials of Delhi Police and trainers of Training Partners for assisting the candidates and developing awareness among them about entrepreneurship. 

Mentor Platform: NIESBUD has developed an online e-mentoring platform “UdyamDisha”, to handhold and guide aspiring and existing entrepreneurs from diverse and remote locations. Mentors’ platform provides a one-stop solution to all the support and information required for setting up or scale-up of an enterprise. This platform is a tool to connect mentors and Mentees, buyers and sellers, donors and investors, etc. 

National Resource Organisation of Ministry of Rural Development: The Institute has been accredited as a National Resource Organization (NRO) by the Ministry of Rural Development for its Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Programme (SVEP) to support the State Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM) for effective implementation of the scheme. 

Training Programmes for retired/ retiring defense personnel: The institute is associated with the Ministry of Defense, through the Directorate General Resettlement (DGR) for organizing Entrepreneurship Development Programme and Entrepreneurship cum Skill Development Programme for retired/ retiring Armed Forces personnel to enhance their qualifications/skills so as to enable them to start their enterprises and seek suitable employment after their retirement. 

PM-Udyami Talks: NIESBUD has launched a youtube channel in the name of PM-Udyami talks to create awareness about entrepreneurship and also showcase the entrepreneurial journey of beneficiaries under various programs run by NIESBUD. 

For more details kindly refer to the website