Our Vision, Mission & Values


Sofiya Shiksa’s vision is to provide adequate knowledge of market-relevant skills toyouth. It also aims to create opportunities for the development of talentwithin the country and improve the overall scope and space for underdevelopedsectors.

We provide asingle platform in this eco-system where anyone can share their knowledgethrough an e-learning portal. Everyone can share their knowledge about digitalliteracy, computer education and English spoken. This platform fulfils ourPrime Minister's dream of Digital India.

SofiyaShiksa launched a Job Placement Portal for ouryouth. Sofiya Shiksa also helps to connect the employee to the industry. Italso helps reduce the skills gap between employer and employee. With the helpof Sofiya Shiksa, they can easily connect with each other. We will help makeIndia an efficient capital of the world. The idea is to raise confidence,improve productivity and give direction through proper skill development. Skilldevelopment will enable the youths to get blue-collar jobs. Development ofskills, at a young age, right at the school level, is very essential tochannelize them for proper job opportunities. On-job training will help theyouth in an environment conducive to understanding the real job environment andwhile on the job it will also help in studying the problems.

Our Strength

·       We are good at reaching and mobilizing the poorand far-off communities;

·       We help empower poor people to gain control oftheir lives, and they work with and strengthen local institutions;

·       We carry out projects at lower costs and moreefficiently than the government agencies and

·       We promote sustainable development.


We aim at SkillIndia seems to be a good initiative for providing skills to people, especiallybecause India is one of the few countries across the world whose working agepopulation will be very high. Such skill improvement measures are essential toimprove the physical and mental development of the youths of the country so thatnone of them remains unemployed and the country’s unemployment problem getsreduced. It is time to open up avenues by which the youth accept responsibilityand no one remains idle

Our Presence in Skill India Eco-System